Are you ready for a fun Quilt Along that will be sure to get you excited about Christmas? It’s never too early to be thinking about Christmas! Join me on Instagram @mysewquiltylife every week as we complete the Christmas Tree Mix quilt top. This 8-week quilt along will start on September 8th with selecting your fabrics and end on October 8th with a Quilt Parade. Follow #chrsitmastreemixquiltalong on Instagram to see others participating. Don’t forget to pick up a copy of the Christmas Tree Mix paper or PDF pattern on my website or in my Etsy Shop.
Hope to see you there! Now to decide which fabrics I’m going to use!
1 gift certificate to mysewquiltylife.com
More TBD from your favorite vendors

Week 1 (Starts 9/8): Select Fabrics
Week 2 (9/15): Make all HST’s
Week 3 (9/22): Assemble Scrappy Tree Blocks
Week 4 (9/29): Assemble Scrappy Tree Blocks
Week 5 (10/6): Assemble the Lil Trees Blocks
Week 6 (10/13): Assemble the Lil Trees Blocks
Week 7 (10/20): Finishing
Week 8 (10/27): Quilt Parade
This quilt is meant to be a scrap buster so get those Christmas scraps ready!
1 Christmas Tree Mix pattern
Red Prints: 10 fat eighths (for assortment)
Green Prints: 12 fat eighths (for assortment)
Black Print: 1 fat quarter
Red Print: 1/2 yard (cornerstones and corner star blocks)
Background: 5 1/2 yards
Binding: 3/4 yard
Backing: 5 yards
Optional Supplies:
2” finished HST paper
1” finished HST paper
Will you be joining us? Let me know!