Daisy Chain Quilt Along: Week 1

It never occurred to me that a few of you did not know what a Quilt Along was or have never participated in one. A Quilt Along, or Sew Along is when a group of quilters make the same quilt with the same pattern, at the same time. It usually has a host and can be held in person or virtually. Every Quilt Along can be a bit different but this Quilt Along is easy, each Thursday for the next 6 weeks you will complete specific blocks outlined in the schedule. This allows you and everyone else to stay on pace to complete the quilt top. This is a virtual event, and each Thursday I will post a prerecorded video and blog post going over the blocks to complete that week and answer any questions you have had along the way. You can complete your blocks from the comfort of your own home or team up with a girlfriend and sew together. Because this Quilt Along will be held through Instagram and Facebook you will be able to connect with other quilters that are quilting along and see everyone’s wonderful blocks each week. Make sure to share your progress each week for others to enjoy! There will be no live videos for this event at this time.
Click HERE to view the video with details about the quilt along!
For this quilt along you will need to purchase the Daisy Chain Quilt pattern from my website or Etsy shop. It is available in both paper and PDF form. You will also need your fabric, the fabric requirements can be found on the back cover of the pattern. I also included optional fabric requirements for using fat eighths and fat quarters.
I have several sponsors offering prizes for this giveaway including a weekly free PDF pattern of your choice from my shop. To be entered to win prizes you must post your progress each week on instagram and Facebook using the hashtags #daisychainquiltalong and tag @mysewquiltylife in each post. Doing so allows me to be able to see your progress and it makes it easier to see all the posts for the Quilt Along. You can also join my Facebook Group at Our Sew Quilty Life to post your progress. If you are not on Facebook or Instagram you can email me your pictures to be entered to win a prize.
Check out the wonderful sponsors below:
Online Gift Certificate by PlainJanesandCo instagram: PlainJanesandCo
1 Free Edge to Edge Longarm quilting by Siren Sitiching Longarm Quilting instagram: SirenStitching
2 Online Gift Certificates to My Sew Quitly Life
A free PDF pattern each week by My Sew Quilty Life
15% off your Daisy Chain Edge to Edge quilting by:
Megan of Siren Stitching
Janiel of Quiltingwithlove
Gina of Pieceful Longarming
Leslie of TheQuiltedSunflower
If you’re just now joining us, it’s not to late. You can pick up a PDF copy of the pattern and either sew from your stash or run to your local quilt shop.
If you have any questions you can privately message me through Facebook or Instagram or email me at mysewquiltylife@gmail.com
*Please remember to not post any portion of the pattern online, if you have questions about the pattern or instructions please email or message me directly.
Ok so let's get started! This week’s block is the Big Daisy Block. It can be found on page 1 of your pattern. You will make 6 of these blocks.

Helpful tips:
Consider laying out all the block pieces on a design board and chain piecing. This will help you stay organized and making sewing go faster.
Layout your blocks on a table or floor and take a picture directly above in a well lit area during the day. This allows for the fabric to be true to color and results in a well exposed photo. Did you know that I currently take all my photos with an Iphone 7??
Here are some ideas for inspiration:
Weekly Schedule:
